10 Best Home Remedies for Dealing with Eczema Scars

Eczema is a common condition of the skin, where rough patches are formed in parts of the body, like face, cheeks, scalp and chest. Medication can help treat the condition, but there is no guarantee that you can totally get rid of this skin disease for life.

eczema scars
eczema scars

Naturotherapy has been proven to be successful, more than the moisturizers and creams available across the counter, in helping get substantial relief from eczema and also to get rid of the scars formed on the skin.

The list of organic products that can be effective for treating eczema, is exhaustive.

Here we have made an effort to select the best products for home remedies for dealing with eczema scars.

1- Lemon Juice – Lemon juice is an effective moisturizer for treating eczema scars, due to the biological properties it contains, and also for being a natural and powerful antiseptic aid. Apply fresh extracts of lemon on the portion of the skin affected by eczema and keep for 10 minutes, before going to bed. Rinse off the next morning.

2- Onions Extract – Onions extract is proven to be effective for lightening the eczema scars. Apply a mixture of onion extract and aloe vera on the affected parts, and keep for 15 minutes. Apply daily for at least two weeks.

3- Almond Oil – Almond Oil contains neutral lipids, which are useful for reducing the scar marks, caused by eczema. The fatty acid contents help to lighten the scar. Apply daily at bedtime for at least a week.

4- Fish Oil – Contents of Omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil, makes it useful for treating eczema scars. Fish oil helps to reduce the inflammation and the irritation caused by the skin condition. You can also include salmon, mackerel and tuna in your diet plan.

5- Cucumber – Cucumber is rich in essential antioxidants, which help remove eczema scars effectively and quickly. Cut 2 to 3 cucumbers into thin pieces and dip them in a bowl of water, keeping them for about 5 minutes. Then take out the pieces and dip a piece of cloth into the water. Apply the wet cloth over the affected areas for about 1- minutes. You can also add some milk to get more benefit.

6- Shea Butter – Shea Butter is one of the most common and effective ingredients for dealing with eczema scars, due to its rich contents of keratin, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E. It not only helps in healing the scars, but also rejuvenates the skin, keeping it hydrated. Apply a paste of Shea Butter and lemon, prepared in proportions of 2:1 over the affected parts, and allow it to stay overnight.

7- Sugar and Honey – Prepare a mixture of honey and crystallized sugar for applying on the areas affected by eczema, scrubbing the scars gently for about 10 minutes. Rinse off with cold water. Continue, till you get rid of the scars.

8- Cocoa Butter and Coconut Oil – Rub coconut oil on the scars to moisturize the skin and then massage some cocoa butter on the scars regularly, till you see that the scars disappear. Cocoa Butter, prepared from the extract of cocoa helps in hydrating the skin.

9- Mixed Fruit Paste – Rich in vitamins and other essential elements, fruits provide many health benefits, and are also proven to treat eczema scars. Prepare a pulp made of 1 banana, 1 mango and some strawberries, and apply over the affected portions, after cleaning the skin with cold water. Apply for about half an hour, and rinse off with cold water. Continue regularly, till the scar marks are gone.

10- Avocado Oil – Avocado helps to stimulate the production of collagen in the skin, and helps treating eczema scars. You can either apply the oil regularly, keeping it for 10 to 15 minutes, or include Avocado in your daily diet, as an ingredient of any preparation. When applying, take two to three drops of Avocado oil and massage gently with your fingertips on the affected portions. Apply regularly to see off the scars in quick time.

We hope, we have been able to highlight 10 of the Best home remedies for dealing with eczema scars, which have been proven to be effective. These produces are easily available in the market, or may be from your garden.