The singer-turned actress Beyonce Knowles lost her body weight while she prepared for her outstanding role in the movie Dreamgirls in the year 2006.
And this was done with the help of a master cleanse or lemonade diet. When she declared this secret out in Oprah’s show, Beyonce’s diet became a sensation overnight.
Beyonce’s master cleanse diet is also referred to as Beyonce maple syrup diet, Beyonce lemonade diet, Beyonce cayenne pepper diet, etc.
They all are the same and are literally named because of the particular ingredients it has.
The interesting thing to know is why Beyonce chosen a master to cleanse system for losing weight?
To portray the character of Deena, which she played in the Movie Dreamgirls, it was indeed important for her to get mature looks so she underwent a physical transformation by getting full-fledged advice from her nutritionist.
Her nutritionist suggested that she should go for a master cleanse. You all would be pretty surprised to read that Beyonce lost 20 pounds in just 14 days.
This is a quote from Beyonce’s interview with Oprah published on
“To get herself prepared to play Deena, Beyoncé lost 20 pounds—without being asked! “I figured in the ’60s Twiggy was the hot model, and Diana [Ross] and Cher and all the legends were thinner than I am,” she explains. “So I decided I wanted to lose weight and make a physical transformation. And it was difficult because I love food. I love to eat. I did a fast—a master cleanser for 14 days. Everybody was eating Krispy Kremes around me. I was grouchy, but I did it and I lost the weight.”
Beyonce indulged in the consumption of vegetable soups and juices during the lemonade diet though she was a big-time foodaholic.
Beyonce’s Master cleanse diet received so much exposure during her interviews and promotion of her movie Dreamgirls which made people so much aware of the benefits of this cleansing.
So if you are experiencing a hard time losing excess weight from your body? Just try this diet once for detoxifying your body system!
Here in this article:
Is the Diet Completely Safe for All?
Although the zesty lemon juice diet is considered to be safe, many experts recommend not to take it for the long term without consulting a dietitian.
You should be aware of the fact that the lemon juice and water diet may show certain side effects and is not a safe diet regime in case if you want to take it for long.
Following this diet plan over a period of time may deplete the vitamins, minerals, and other important proteins that are required by your body on a daily basis.
It is therefore important that you consult with your physician or dietitian before you start with this lemon juice detox diet.
Especially if you are suffering from any kind of health condition (like diabetics, heart problems, respiratory issues, etc), you are recommended to consult with your health care specialist before you start with these types of diets.
Is It Okay To Exercise On Master Cleanse?
People who want to try this master cleanse diet often get worried about the strict diet and exercising regimen that they may need to follow.
You would be glad to know that there exists no strong rule for exercising while you are on the master cleanse diet.
You can indulge in light cardio exercises when on a lemonade diet to help your body’s circulatory system release toxins for enhancing the detoxifying benefits.
It’s sad to reveal that your body receives a very less percentage of vitamins and minerals in your body while following the master cleanse program.
Therefore it is possible that you can feel very tired and exhausted in the first few days of starting the program.
When your body releases toxins, you may experience symptoms like headaches, sore throat, congestion, mental and physical fatigue, flu-like symptoms, running nose, muscle aches, irritability, lightheadedness, and skin irritations.
You can perform exercises when your energy levels are high but avoid overdoing it.
Make sure you drink plenty of water to keep your body well-hydrated and to flush out toxins from the body in a nice way.
Pros and Cons of the Beyonce Lemonade Diet
The lemonade detox diet has been around for a long time. However, Beyonce’s weight loss with the cleanse detox diet has increased the popularity of the diet program.
Since Beyonce lost 22 pounds within 14 days following the master cleanse detox diet, it is named as Beyonce diet.
The prime function of the Master cleanse detox diet is to cleanse and detox the body. It is an excellent way to lose weight in a short time.
It helps to break away unhealthy habits like smoking, drug, and alcohol addictions. It revitalizes the entire body system and helps to get relieved from aches, pains.
The main problem of the lemonade detox diet is that it does not involve any solid food. It is a mixture of fresh lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and water.
Even though it does not contain any solid, master cleanse diet contains valuable vitamins and minerals. Since there is no solid intake; laxatives like green tea must be taken in order to avoid constipation problems.
Beyonce lemon diet does not ask you to refrain from entire solid foods. You can eat organic fruits and vegetables, legumes, and high fiber multi-grain cereals.
It restricts the consumption of meat, dairy products, and processed foods. Beyonce’s diet is more flexible than the original maple syrup diet as it tastes good, satisfies hunger, and prevents cravings.
The recommended time for the master cleanse is 10 days. It is very important to start and end the master cleanse program carefully.
Master cleanse secrets is the modified version of the Master cleanse detox diet that is easier to follow. People undergoing a Master cleanse detox diet are allowed to take only liquids for 10 days.
However, Master cleanse secrets allow the users to consume a given list of food that will not get in the way of the cleansing process. That’s why Master cleanse secrets are easy to follow.